Creating Your Perfect Self-Care Practice

Featured, Recovery

September 23, 2021

Self-care and mental health oftentimes go hand-in-hand. As a Recovery Coach, we do a lot of work centered around the development of self-care practices that are reliable and beneficial for each person’s individual needs. So, where do you start? How can you begin to build a self-care practice of your own? Read on, my friend!

What is self care?

Self-Care (noun) is described as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. Self-care can be a multitude of things and will certainly differentiate for each individual and their own personal needs. Often dubbed to be “selfish” or pretentious, self-care is far from it and should be looked at as an essential piece of one’s mental health puzzle. And speaking to all my fellow Enneagram 2’s out there, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you are aren’t truly, and fully able to show up for those around you!

Self-care doesn’t have to be difficult, it doesn’t have to be dauting or another thing to check off your ever-growing
“to do” list. In fact, the beauty is in it’s simplicity. The little things that that make a big impact. It’s an ever-evolving practice and requires you to continuously pinpoint ways in which you can do one, small, impactful thing to change the trajectory of your day, attitude and overall mindset.

How Self-Care can Improve Your Mental Health

Practicing self-care can usually only be done when you come to the realization that it is both needed and deserved. Developing a strong self-care routine can host a multitude of benefits for your mental health including (but surely not limited to) increasing your self-confidence, reducing your stress and aiding in management of one’s anxiety.

Creating Your Self-Care Toolbox

Physical Care

The way in which you take care of your physical being. This goes well beyond how you’re moving your body but also in what ways you’re fueling it, how much sleep and how much water you’re giving it.

Simple Step:

  • Get outside, go for a walk, soak up some Vitamin D (especially if you’re a MI girl like myself, we only get so much of that!), take in all the sights and sounds of the things around you.
  • Gentle movement (yoga, stretching, deep breathing)
  • Drink some water! {pro-tip: find a water bottle you love, take it with you EVERYWHERE. It’s true what they say, “out of site, out of mind”}

Mental Care

The way you think and the things that you’re filling your mind with have a great impact on your overall well-being. Mental health plays an important role in how someone feels, thinks, acts, and progresses. Though nearly inevitable to avoid mental health dilemmas, there are ways in which we can build practices to help better combat them when they arise within you!

Simple Step:

  • Breathwork (resources listed below!)
  • Practicing self-compassion and acceptance {Journal Prompt: “What are 5 self-love affirmations that I can repeat to myself everyday?”}
  • Read a book that inspires you or watch a movie that you love

Emotional Care

Similarly to mental care, emotional-care oftentimes refers to the coping mechanisms that aid in combatting uncomfortable emotions (ie: sadness, grief, anger, anxiety). Emotional self-care may include activities that help you acknowledge and express your feelings on a regular basis. Whether you confide in someone you trust or seek outside help, it’s important to find ways to positively navigate your emotions and inner-dialogue.

Simple Step:


Gratitude Practice


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